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Container ship




Launched in August 2013, the packaging centre has an area of 1920 square metres, where plastic containers generated by the daily activity of producers, retailers and wholesalers registered in this project within food park of Mercalicante are collected, sorted and stored.

The initiative, very welcomed by all operators, allows customers to make the return of empty containers in a simple way on a single point with saving time. In turn, providers who demand these empty containers to package their products, can pick them up at the same point.

Once collected the containers they are reused again, so that greater environmental sustainability is achieved in the management of these vessels.




Packaging central registers more than 100.000 annual movements for each wholesaler enrolled in the project, besides promoting the gradual introduction of a single container point utilization.


  • Cost reduction:  On the one hand we recover our staff hours devoted to delivery collection and dossification of packaging; and on the other hand,  we almost double the space available for the gender exhibition which results in greater  purchasing power.
  • Improvement of the mobility in the craft market at the disappeance at the disappearance of its own the empty  containers.
  • It allows to store the containers in a controlled way, resulting in a dicreased risk of fires and accidents in the installation of the wholesale market.
  • Decentralization of the management of packaging allowing us to focus on other areas of our activity. The only package represents an increase of the capacity of negotiation with the different manufacturers of packaging and a packaging optimization of stock.

Exploratory brodure.